Achilles Tendonitis

Podiatry located in Fords, NJ

Achilles Tendonitis

Achilles tendonitis is a painful condition that can sideline you from your favorite activities. With more than 30 years of experience. Carl Ingrassia, DPM, strives to help you return to pain-free mobility and enjoy the activities you love with nonsurgical treatments for Achilles tendonitis at Fords Foot and Ankle Care in Fords, New Jersey. Call the office today or schedule an appointment online to see an expert podiatrist and find relief from pain.

Achilles Tendonitis Q & A

What is Achilles tendonitis?

Achilles tendonitis develops when the tendon that connects the heel to the calf becomes inflamed. As the body’s longest tendon, damage to the Achilles tendon can cause long-lasting pain, tension, and injury. Walking, running, and even standing for long periods can worsen the condition. 

Early intervention can help stop Achilles tendonitis from progressing, minimizing your need for invasive treatments like surgery.

What are the signs of Achilles tendonitis?

Achilles tendonitis can cause several uncomfortable symptoms, including:

  • Pain after exercise that gets worse
  • Aching or swelling in the lower calf
  • Pain that worsens after exercise using the calf muscles
  • General stiffness, tenderness, or fatigue in the lower calf area
  • Soreness when you wake up

Achilles tendonitis tends to worsen without treatment. Seeking professional care now can help protect your mobility and prevent the condition from progressing.

How does Achilles tendonitis develop?

Repeated stress on the Achilles tendon is the most common reason inflammation develops. Causes of Achilles tendonitis can include:

  • Sudden tendon trauma, such as when sprinting or jumping
  • Overuse of the tendon
  • Rapidly increasing exercise intensity or distance
  • Quick return to sports after a period of inactivity
  • Insufficient pre-exercise stretching
  • Repetitive stair climbing or hill running
  • Inappropriate footwear
  • Excessive foot pronation (turning inward) during extended activities

Determining the underlying cause of your condition helps Dr. Ingrassia create a personalized treatment plan for your pain.

How do podiatrists diagnose Achilles tendonitis?

Dr. Ingrassia uses several diagnostic tools to determine whether you have Achilles tendonitis and assess the condition’s severity. First, he reviews your medical history and discusses your symptoms. Then, he performs a foot and ankle assessment to evaluate your gait. Dr. Ingrassia also uses digital X-rays to see the underlying damage.

What are the most effective treatments for Achilles tendonitis?

Fords Foot and Ankle Care offers several nonsurgical treatments for Achilles tendonitis, including:

  • Bracing or support bandages
  • Custom-made orthotics
  • Massage therapy
  • Ice and heat
  • Anti-inflammatory pain relievers
  • Physical therapy
  • Laser treatments

Dr. Ingrassia may also recommend switching to low-impact exercises to give your Achilles tendon time to heal.

Call Fords Foot and Ankle Care today or schedule an appointment online to learn more.